Company Profile Nomu Parallel (2024)

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National Building and Marketing Co.



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  • Nomu - Parallel Market
  • Capital Goods

Stats Overview

  • Prev. Close 215.00

  • Open 215.00

  • High


  • Low 215.00

  • No. Of Trades1

  • Avg. Trade size* 50

  • Volume Traded50

  • Value Traded 10,750.00



0.00 ( 0.00% )

View Historical


NamePriceChange %
National Building and Marketing Co. 215.00-

Quote delayed by 5 mins

  • *Average Trade Size = Cumulative / # of Trades
  • **52 Week Price Change = (Current Price - Price year ago) / Price year ago x 100
  • Historical prices & volume traded data are adjusted to account for all corporate actions.
  • MO: Market Order

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% Change


Volume Traded


Best Bid

Price 204.20

Volume 25

Best Offer

Price 215.00

Volume 260











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Year ago


3 Years ago


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'; priceInnerHTML = priceInnerHTML + '

' + lastTadeChange + ' (' + lastTadePercent + '%)

'; $(priceBlock).html(priceInnerHTML);},error: function(errorCode){}});}$('#editableTable').find('td').each(function(){ var text = $(this).text().trim(); if(text=='%' || text=='-'|| text=='-%'|text==''){ $(this).text('-');$(this).removeClass('plus').removeClass('.minus'); }});updatePriceBox();$(document).ready(function(){if($('.stats_table .priceUp').text().trim() == '-'){ $('.stats_table .priceUp').removeClass('priceUp');}if($('.stats_table .priceDown').text().trim() == '-'){ $('.stats_table .priceDown').removeClass('priceDown');}$('.financials_Tab_Dtl_box').find('td').addClass('text-center');});function copyUrl() {var currentUrl = window.location.href;var textArea = document.createElement('textarea');textArea.value = currentUrl;document.body.appendChild(textArea);;document.execCommand('copy');document.body.removeChild(textArea);}

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  • National Building and Marketing Co. Announces Obtaining a No English translation, kindly refer to the Arabic version


    NBM0.0 %

    1446/02/0913/08/2024 16:10:34

  • No English translation, kindly refer to the Arabic version


    NBM0.0 %

    1446/01/0107/07/2024 08:12:58

  • No English translation, kindly refer to the Arabic version


    NBM0.0 %

    1445/12/0309/06/2024 16:16:33

  • No English translation, kindly refer to the Arabic version


    NBM0.0 %

    1445/11/2704/06/2024 16:05:43

  • National Building and Marketing Co. Announces the Results of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting, ( First Meeting )


    NBM0.0 %

    1445/11/2502/06/2024 07:56:15

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      Announced DateEligibility DateDistribution DateDistribution WayDividend Amount

      All Actions

      " : "";var res = "

    • "+calendarString+"


      NBM"+" 9510


      "+"0.0% "+"



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      NBM"+" 9510


      "+"0.0% "+"



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    • NBM 9510

      0.0 %


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      Company Profile Nomu Parallel (5) CompanyProfileNomuv2Financials


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      • Annually
      • Semi-Annual
      Balance Sheet
      Total Assets - - - -
      Total Liabilities - - - -
      Total Shareholders Equity (After Deducting the Minority Equity) - - - -
      Total Liabilities and Shareholders Equity - - - -
      Statement of Income
      Total Revenue (Sales/Operating) - - - -
      Net Profit (Loss) before Zakat and Tax - - - -
      Zakat and Income Tax - - - -
      Net Profit (Loss) after Zakat and Tax - - - -
      Total Comprehensive Income - - - -
      Profit (Loss) per Share - - - -
      Cash Flows
      Net Cash From Operating Activities - - - -
      Net Cash From Investing Activities - - - -
      Net Cash From Financing Activities - - - -
      Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of the Period - - - -
      Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of the Period - - - -
      All Figures in
      All Currency In
      Last Update Date

      The Capital Market Authority and Saudi Exchange take no responsibility for the contents of this disclosure, make no representations as to its accuracy or completeness, and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss arising from, or incurred in reliance upon, any part of this disclosure, and the issuer accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in it and confirms, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief, there are no other facts or information the omission of which would make the disclosure misleading, incomplete or inaccurate. The above information does not replace detailed financial statements, as detailed financial statements are the reliable source that must be consulted to obtain accurate financial information.

      Balance Sheet
      Total Assets - - - -
      Total Liabilities - - - -
      Total Shareholders Equity (After Deducting the Minority Equity) - - - -
      Total Liabilities and Shareholders Equity - - - -
      Statement of Income
      Total Revenue (Sales/Operating) - - - -
      Net Profit (Loss) before Zakat and Tax - - - -
      Zakat and Income Tax - - - -
      Net Profit (Loss) after Zakat and Tax - - - -
      Total Comprehensive Income - - - -
      Profit (Loss) per Share - - - -
      Cash Flows
      Net Cash From Operating Activities - - - -
      Net Cash From Investing Activities - - - -
      Net Cash From Financing Activities - - - -
      Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of the Period - - - -
      Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of the Period - - - -
      All Figures in
      All Currency In
      Last Update Date

      The Capital Market Authority and Saudi Exchange take no responsibility for the contents of this disclosure, make no representations as to its accuracy or completeness, and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss arising from, or incurred in reliance upon, any part of this disclosure, and the issuer accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in it and confirms, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief, there are no other facts or information the omission of which would make the disclosure misleading, incomplete or inaccurate. The above information does not replace detailed financial statements, as detailed financial statements are the reliable source that must be consulted to obtain accurate financial information.

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      Company Apply

      National Building and Marketing Co.
      Price 215.00
      Market Cap (SAR MN) 2,580
      P/E Ratio 84.48
      Index NameIndex Level1D Return
      National Building and Marketing Co. %

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      Company Profile

      Company overview

      The current main activity is by the company''s commercial register in the wholesale and retail in building materials ,iron, timber, industrial, electronic equipment, electronic equipment, stereotypes, office tools, desktops, medical and scientific equipment, hospital supplies, medical laboratories, medical furniture, construction and general contractors for buildings and decorative works) and paints, chemicals, and promotional gifts. The objectives of the company, according to its articles of association, are as follows: -Wholesale and retail trade in building materials, iron, timber and manual and industrial number. - Wholesale and retail trade in electronic devices, computers, and spare parts - Wholesale and retail trade in office tools, office furniture, educational means, and publications - Wholesale and retail trade in medical and scientific equipment and supplies, hospital supplies, laboratories and medical furniture and maintenance. - General construction of buildings and decoration work. - Wholesale and retail trade in paints, printing inks and chemicals. - Construction, investment, management, operation and maintenance of recreational and tourism facilities and projects. - Establishment and operation of hospitals, medical facilities and all health care services. - Establishment and operation of educational facilities such as schools, colleges, universities, and all education services. - Commercial agencies. - Establishing, operating, and investing in industrial projects. - Transport and storage services. - Accommodation, ownership, management and investment in hotels, entertainment complexes and all tourism projects. - Purchase of land for the purpose of developing it and build buildings on it for the purpose of selling or leasing for the benefit of the company.

      Company History

      - The National Building and Marketing Company was established in Riyadh as a limited liability company under a commercial register no. 1010153678 on 17/01/1420 H with a capital (500,000 Saudi riyals) and then converted into a Saudi closed joint stock company with a capital (2,000,000) Two million Saud Riyals. - Then transformed into a joint stock company listed under ministerial decision No. (70/S) on 29-3-1435 H, 30-1-2014, and under the company''s Article of Association and its latest amendments on 22-5-2017.- Then The company''s capital was increased in 31.12.2020 to 120,000,000,000 Saudi Riyals divided into 12.000.000 million shares of nominal value per share, of which (10) Saudi riyals, all ordinary cash shares.

      Company Bylaws

      Click here

      Equity Profile

      • Authorized Capital (SAR) 120,000,000
      • Issued Shares 12,000,000
      • Paid Up Capital (SAR)120,000,000
      • Par Value/Share 10
      • Paid Up Value/Share 10

      Last Update :2021-01-03

      Investment limits

      There are no investment limits on the companys shares as per the amended Rules for Qualified Foreign Financial Institutions Investment in Listed Securities and Instructions for the Foreign Strategic Investors Ownership in Listed Companies based on companys bylaw and the issued instructions by the related regulators and supervisory authorities

      • Company Details
      • Date Established


      • Financial Year End


      • Listing Date


      • External Auditors

        [Deloitte & Touche]

      • ISIN CODE


      • Number of Employees


      • Chairman

        Ayman Abdullah Suleiman Al-Qadi
        Non - Executive

        Ayman Abdullah Suleiman Al-Qadi

        • Bd Session Start




        • Bd Session End



          Non - Executive

        • Qualification

          Bachelor of Administrative Sciences / Systems

        Companies Membership

        • Membership Name

          Abdullah Ayman Abdullah Al-Qadi Company

          Start Date


        • Membership Character


          End Date


      • Board of Directors

        Meshaal bin Abdul Rahman AlOqla Executive

        Meshaal bin Abdul Rahman AlOqla

        • Bd Session Start



          Board of Directors

        • Bd Session End




        • Qualification

          Bachelor of AccountingMaster of Business Administration

        Mohammed Iqbal Radawan Daboul Deputy Chairman - Non Executive

        Mohammed Iqbal Radawan Daboul

        • Bd Session Start



          Board of Directors

        • Bd Session End



          Deputy Chairman - Non Executive

        • Qualification

          Bachelor of Engineering Systems & Industry

        Companies Membership

        • Membership Name

          Jawdat contracting Co.

          Start Date


        • Membership Character

          Chairman Directors

          End Date


        • Membership Name

          German - Saudi Company for Industry

          Start Date


        • Membership Character

          Deputy of Chairman Directors

          End Date


        • Membership Name

          Ajeej Steel Manufacturing Co

          Start Date


        • Membership Character

          General Director

          End Date


        Abdullah Mutlaq Abdullah Al-Shai'i Independent

        Abdullah Mutlaq Abdullah Al-Shai'i

        • Bd Session Start



          Board of Directors

        • Bd Session End




        • Qualification

          Bachelor's OF TESOLMaster of Business Administration

        Osama Suleiman Muhammad Al-Sudais Independent

        Osama Suleiman Muhammad Al-Sudais

        • Bd Session Start



          Board of Directors

        • Bd Session End




        • Qualification

          Bachelor of AccountingMaster's degree in Accounting and FinanceCPACAMSOCPA

      • Senior Executives

        Meshaal bin Abdul Rahman AlOqla CEO

        Meshaal bin Abdul Rahman AlOqla

        • Bd Session Start



          Senior Executives

        • Bd Session End




        • Qualification

          Bachelor of Commerce Specialization Accountingmaster's degree in business administration

        salah aldeen J. mohammed CFO

      salah aldeen J. mohammed

      • Bd Session Start



        Senior Executives

      • Bd Session End




      • Qualification

        BA in Accounting and Finance

      Investor Relations

      Contact Name:

      iyad taha

      Company Address:

      Riyadh OLAYA Street P.o.Box 401 Riyadh 11312

      Contact Details:

      Telephone: 0114488901
      Fax: 0114022615

      Company Website:

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      The Capital Market Authority and Saudi Exchange take no responsibility for the contents of these disclosures, make no representations as to its accuracy or completeness, and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss arising from, or incurred in reliance upon, any part of these disclosures, and the issuer accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in it and confirms, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief, there are no other facts or information the omission of which would make the disclosure misleading, incomplete or inaccurate.

      Company Profile Nomu Parallel (2024)


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      Article information

      Author: Greg Kuvalis

      Last Updated:

      Views: 5549

      Rating: 4.4 / 5 (75 voted)

      Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

      Author information

      Name: Greg Kuvalis

      Birthday: 1996-12-20

      Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

      Phone: +68218650356656

      Job: IT Representative

      Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

      Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.