Company Profile Nomu Parallel (2024)

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View United Real Estate Development Co.



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  • Nomu - Parallel Market
  • Real Estate Mgmt & Dev't

Stats Overview

  • Prev. Close 77.00

  • Open -

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  • Low -

  • No. Of Trades0

  • Avg. Trade size* N/A

  • Volume Traded0

  • Value Traded 0.00



0.00 (-)

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NamePriceChange %
View United Real Estate Development Co. 0.00-

Quote delayed by 5 mins

  • *Average Trade Size = Cumulative / # of Trades
  • **52 Week Price Change = (Current Price - Price year ago) / Price year ago x 100
  • Historical prices & volume traded data are adjusted to account for all corporate actions.
  • MO: Market Order

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% Change


Volume Traded

Best Bid

Price 75.00

Volume 46

Best Offer

Price 77.00

Volume 600











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Year ago

3 Years ago

'; priceInnerHTML = priceInnerHTML + '

' + lastTadeChange + ' (' + lastTadePercent + '%)

'; $(priceBlock).html(priceInnerHTML);},error: function(errorCode){}});}$('#editableTable').find('td').each(function(){ var text = $(this).text().trim(); if(text=='%' || text=='-'|| text=='-%'|text==''){ $(this).text('-');$(this).removeClass('plus').removeClass('.minus'); }});updatePriceBox();$(document).ready(function(){if($('.stats_table .priceUp').text().trim() == '-'){ $('.stats_table .priceUp').removeClass('priceUp');}if($('.stats_table .priceDown').text().trim() == '-'){ $('.stats_table .priceDown').removeClass('priceDown');}$('.financials_Tab_Dtl_box').find('td').addClass('text-center');});function copyUrl() {var currentUrl = window.location.href;var textArea = document.createElement('textarea');textArea.value = currentUrl;document.body.appendChild(textArea);;document.execCommand('copy');document.body.removeChild(textArea);}

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  • View United Real Estate Development Co. announces its Interim Financial results for the period ending on 2024-06-30 ( Six Months )


    VIEW0.0 %

    1446/02/0913/08/2024 09:33:10

  • View United Real Estate Development Company announces the results of the (Extraordinary) General Assembly Meeting (First Meeting)


    VIEW0.0 %

    1445/12/2026/06/2024 08:04:17

  • View United Real Estate Development Company invites its shareholders to attend the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting (First Meeting) by means of modern technology


    VIEW0.0 %

    1445/11/1927/05/2024 08:10:41

  • View United Real Estate Development Company announces the signing of a memorandum of understanding with Zamil Group Real Estate Company in the field of real estate investment and development


    VIEW0.0 %

    1445/11/1220/05/2024 08:02:17

  • View United Real Estate Development Company announces the recommendation of the Board of Directors to distribute cash dividends to shareholders for the fiscal year 2023


    VIEW0.0 %

    1445/10/1625/04/2024 07:24:23

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      Announced DateEligibility DateDistribution DateDistribution WayDividend Amount
      25/04/2024N/AN/AAccount Transfer3.00

      All Actions

      " : "";var res = "

    • "+calendarString+"


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    • VIEW 9591

      0.0 %


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      Company Profile Nomu Parallel (5) CompanyProfileNomuv2Financials


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      • Annually
      • Semi-Annual
      Balance Sheet 2023-12-31
      Total Assets


      - - -
      Total Liabilities


      - - -
      Total Shareholders Equity (After Deducting the Minority Equity)


      - - -
      Total Liabilities and Shareholders Equity


      - - -
      Statement of Income 2023-12-31
      Total Revenue (Sales/Operating)


      - - -
      Net Profit (Loss) before Zakat and Tax


      - - -
      Zakat and Income Tax


      - - -
      Net Profit (Loss) after Zakat and Tax


      - - -
      Total Comprehensive Income


      - - -
      Profit (Loss) per Share


      - - -
      Cash Flows 2023-12-31
      Net Cash From Operating Activities


      - - -
      Net Cash From Investing Activities


      - - -
      Net Cash From Financing Activities


      - - -
      Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of the Period


      - - -
      Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of the Period


      - - -
      All Figures inThousands
      All Currency InSAR
      Last Update Date2024-03-28

      The Capital Market Authority and Saudi Exchange take no responsibility for the contents of this disclosure, make no representations as to its accuracy or completeness, and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss arising from, or incurred in reliance upon, any part of this disclosure, and the issuer accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in it and confirms, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief, there are no other facts or information the omission of which would make the disclosure misleading, incomplete or inaccurate. The above information does not replace detailed financial statements, as detailed financial statements are the reliable source that must be consulted to obtain accurate financial information.

      Balance Sheet 2024-06-30
      Total Assets


      - - -
      Total Liabilities


      - - -
      Total Shareholders Equity (After Deducting the Minority Equity)


      - - -
      Total Liabilities and Shareholders Equity


      - - -
      Statement of Income 2024-06-30
      Total Revenue (Sales/Operating)


      - - -
      Net Profit (Loss) before Zakat and Tax


      - - -
      Zakat and Income Tax


      - - -
      Net Profit (Loss) after Zakat and Tax


      - - -
      Total Comprehensive Income


      - - -
      Profit (Loss) per Share


      - - -
      Cash Flows 2024-06-30
      Net Cash From Operating Activities


      - - -
      Net Cash From Investing Activities- - - -
      Net Cash From Financing Activities


      - - -
      Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of the Period


      - - -
      Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of the Period


      - - -
      All Figures inThousands
      All Currency InSAR
      Last Update Date2024-08-13

      The Capital Market Authority and Saudi Exchange take no responsibility for the contents of this disclosure, make no representations as to its accuracy or completeness, and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss arising from, or incurred in reliance upon, any part of this disclosure, and the issuer accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in it and confirms, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief, there are no other facts or information the omission of which would make the disclosure misleading, incomplete or inaccurate. The above information does not replace detailed financial statements, as detailed financial statements are the reliable source that must be consulted to obtain accurate financial information.

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      View United Real Estate Development Co.
      Price -
      Market Cap (SAR MN) 254
      P/E Ratio 13.95
      Index NameIndex Level1D Return
      View United Real Estate Development Co. %

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      Company Profile

      Company overview

      The company carries out its activities under Commercial Registration No (1010310830) dated 07/13/1432 AH (corresponding to 06/15/2011 AD) issued in the city of Riyadh The companies activities as in its commercial register are as follows General construction of residential buildings General construction of non residential buildings such as schools hospitals hotels etc Restorations of residential and non residential buildings Buying and selling land and real estate dividing it and off plan sales activities Management and leasing of owned or rented properties (residential) Management and leasing of owned or rented properties (non residential) The companies objectives as stated in its articles of association are as follows Agriculture and fishing Mines petroleum and its branches The manufacturing industry and its branches according to industrial licenses Electricity gas water and its branches Construction and building Trade Transportation storage and refrigeration Financial business and other services Social group and personal services Information purification Security and safety Purchasing lands to construct buildings on them, investing these buildings by selling or renting for the benefit of the company managing maintaining and developing the property purchasing and owning properties for the benefit of the company and selling purchasing and exploiting real estate and lands for the benefit of the company The current actual activity of the company View United Real Estate Development Company is developing real estate units and villas for the company and others and leasing residential and commercial properties. The company has obtained a real estate developer qualification certificate from the Developer Services Center (Etmam) for passing the qualification standards approved by No. (2140253163) and dated 10/ 06/1442 AH (corresponding to 01/23/2021) The company also obtained a real estate developer qualification certificate from the Off Plan Sale or Leasing Committee by Committee Resolution No (397) dated 03/18/1442 AH (corresponding to 11/04/2020) and a membership certificate Contractor issued by the Saudi Contractors Authority with membership number (196419648)

      Company History

      United Development Company was established as a limited liability company under the name of Building and Housing Company under Commercial Registration No (1010310830) dated 07/13/1432 AH (corresponding to 06/15/2011) issued in the city of Riyadh with a capital of one hundred thousand (100000) SAR divided into one hundred (100) cash shares of equal value and the value of each share was one thousand (1000) SAR View United Development Company was established as a limited liability company under the name of Building and Housing Company under Commercial Registration No (1010310830) dated 07/13/1432 AH (corresponding to 06/15/2011) issued in the city of Riyadh with a capital of one hundred thousand (100000) SAR divided into one hundred (100) cash shares of equal value and the value of each share was one thousand (1000) SAR On 11/23/1443 AH (corresponding to 06/22/2022) the partners decided to change the name of the company from Building and Housing Company to View United Real Estate Development Company On 09/14/1444 AH (corresponding to 04/10/2023) the partners decision was issued approving the transformation of the company from a limited liability company into a closed joint stock company with its rights and obligations and the increase of its capital (100000) SAR to thirty million (30000000) SAR divided into three million (3000000) ordinary shares with a nominal value of ten (10) Saudi riyals per share fully paid This increase was compensated by transferring an amount of eight million (8000000) SAR from the Due to related parties the amount is twenty one million nine hundred One thousand (21900000) SAR from the retained earnings to the capital account according to the certificate of the supervising auditor on the date of 09/05/1444 AH (corresponding to 03/27/2023) On 10/20/1444 AH (corresponding to 05/10/2023) the extraordinary assembly approved (1) an increase in the companies capital from thirty million (30000000) Saudi riyals divided into three million (3000000) ordinary shares with a value of (10) each share Saudi riyals fully paid up to thirty three million (33000000) Saudi riyals divided into three million and three hundred (3300000) ordinary shares the value of each share being (10) Saudi riyals fully paid up To thirty three million (33000000) SAR divided into three million and one hundred (3300000) ordinary shares the value of each share being (10) SAR its value paid in full through the issuance of three hundred thousand (300000(ordinary shares at a rate of (%9.09) of the companies total capital after the offering

      Company Bylaws

      Click here

      Equity Profile

      • Authorized Capital (SAR) 33,000,000
      • Issued Shares 3,300,000
      • Paid Up Capital (SAR)33,000,000
      • Par Value/Share 10
      • Paid Up Value/Share 10

      Last Update :2023-12-12

      Investment limits

      There are no investment limits on the company's shares as per the amended Rules for Qualified Foreign Financial Institutions Investment in Listed Securities and Instructions for the Foreign Strategic Investors Ownership in Listed Companies based on Company's bylaw and the issued Instructions by related regulators and supervisory authorities

      • Company Details
      • Date Established


      • Financial Year End


      • Listing Date


      • External Auditors

        [Ibrahim Ahmed Albassam]

      • ISIN CODE


      • Number of Employees


      • Chairman

        Ahmed Bejad Alharbi
        Non - Executive

        Ahmed Bejad Alharbi

        • Bd Session Start




        • Bd Session End



          Non - Executive

        • Qualification

          - He obtained a bachelors degree in university administrative affairs in the United Arab Emirates in 2005

      • Board of Directors

        mohamed ibrahim aldawood Deputy Chairman - Non Executive

        mohamed ibrahim aldawood

        • Bd Session Start



          Board of Directors

        • Bd Session End



          Deputy Chairman - Non Executive

        • Qualification

          He obtained a bachelors degree in Arabic language from Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1996

        Lawi Hussain Executive

        Lawi Hussain

        • Bd Session Start



          Board of Directors

        • Bd Session End




        zaher alhajaj Non - Executive

        zaher alhajaj

        • Bd Session Start



          Board of Directors

        • Bd Session End



          Non - Executive

        mohamed albassam Non - Executive

        mohamed albassam

        • Bd Session Start



          Board of Directors

        • Bd Session End



          Non - Executive

      • Senior Executives

        Lawi Hussain CEO

        Lawi Hussain

        • Bd Session Start



          Senior Executives

        • Bd Session End




        Awad Mahmoud CFO

      Awad Mahmoud

      • Bd Session Start



        Senior Executives

      • Bd Session End




      Investor Relations

      Contact Name:

      Lawi Hussain

      Company Address:

      anas ibn malik Al Yasmeen Dist. Riyadh

      Contact Details:

      Telephone: 00966920033504
      Fax: 00966920033504

      Company Website:

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      The Capital Market Authority and Saudi Exchange take no responsibility for the contents of these disclosures, make no representations as to its accuracy or completeness, and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss arising from, or incurred in reliance upon, any part of these disclosures, and the issuer accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in it and confirms, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief, there are no other facts or information the omission of which would make the disclosure misleading, incomplete or inaccurate.

      Company Profile Nomu Parallel (2024)


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      Article information

      Author: Tyson Zemlak

      Last Updated:

      Views: 5565

      Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

      Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

      Author information

      Name: Tyson Zemlak

      Birthday: 1992-03-17

      Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

      Phone: +441678032891

      Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

      Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

      Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.