Company Profile Nomu Parallel (2024)

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Saudi Top for Trading Co.



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Stats Overview

  • Prev. Close 6.89

  • Open 6.94

  • High


  • Low 6.92

  • No. Of Trades13

  • Avg. Trade size* 1,608

  • Volume Traded20,910

  • Value Traded 144,929.07



0.04 ( 0.58% )

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NamePriceChange %
Saudi Top for Trading Co. 6.940.58%

Quote delayed by 5 mins

  • *Average Trade Size = Cumulative / # of Trades
  • **52 Week Price Change = (Current Price - Price year ago) / Price year ago x 100
  • Historical prices & volume traded data are adjusted to account for all corporate actions.
  • MO: Market Order

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% Change


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Best Bid

Price 6.92

Volume 4,023

Best Offer

Price 6.93

Volume 9,320










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  • Saudi Top for Trading Co. announces its Interim Financial results for the period ending on 2024-06-30( Six Months )


    SAUDI TOP0.58 %

    1446/02/0408/08/2024 16:48:53

  • Saudi Top for Trading Co. Board invites its shareholders to attend the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting the (First Meeting)


    SAUDI TOP0.58 %

    1446/01/2531/07/2024 08:18:18

  • Saudi Top for Trading Co. announces signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Voluntary Carbon Market


    SAUDI TOP0.58 %

    1445/12/2501/07/2024 08:05:42

  • Addendum Announcement from Saudi Top for Trading Co. in regards to the Results of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting, (First Meeting)


    SAUDI TOP0.58 %

    1445/12/2127/06/2024 16:18:30

  • Saudi Top for Trading Co. Announces the Results of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting, ( First Meeting )


    SAUDI TOP0.58 %

    1445/12/2127/06/2024 08:05:04

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      Announced DateEligibility DateDistribution DateDistribution WayDividend Amount
      25/06/202428/08/202418/09/2024Account Transfer0.60
      09/08/202331/08/202314/09/2023Account Transfer6.00
      26/12/202231/01/202312/02/2023Account Transfer12.00

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      " : "";var res = "

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    • SAUDI TOP 9552

      0.04 %


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      Company Profile Nomu Parallel (5) CompanyProfileNomuv2Financials


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      • Annually
      • Semi-Annual
      Balance Sheet
      Total Assets - - - -
      Total Liabilities - - - -
      Total Shareholders Equity (After Deducting the Minority Equity) - - - -
      Total Liabilities and Shareholders Equity - - - -
      Statement of Income
      Total Revenue (Sales/Operating) - - - -
      Net Profit (Loss) before Zakat and Tax - - - -
      Zakat and Income Tax - - - -
      Net Profit (Loss) after Zakat and Tax - - - -
      Total Comprehensive Income - - - -
      Profit (Loss) per Share - - - -
      Cash Flows
      Net Cash From Operating Activities - - - -
      Net Cash From Investing Activities - - - -
      Net Cash From Financing Activities - - - -
      Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of the Period - - - -
      Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of the Period - - - -
      All Figures in
      All Currency In
      Last Update Date

      The Capital Market Authority and Saudi Exchange take no responsibility for the contents of this disclosure, make no representations as to its accuracy or completeness, and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss arising from, or incurred in reliance upon, any part of this disclosure, and the issuer accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in it and confirms, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief, there are no other facts or information the omission of which would make the disclosure misleading, incomplete or inaccurate. The above information does not replace detailed financial statements, as detailed financial statements are the reliable source that must be consulted to obtain accurate financial information.

      Balance Sheet
      Total Assets - - - -
      Total Liabilities - - - -
      Total Shareholders Equity (After Deducting the Minority Equity) - - - -
      Total Liabilities and Shareholders Equity - - - -
      Statement of Income
      Total Revenue (Sales/Operating) - - - -
      Net Profit (Loss) before Zakat and Tax - - - -
      Zakat and Income Tax - - - -
      Net Profit (Loss) after Zakat and Tax - - - -
      Total Comprehensive Income - - - -
      Profit (Loss) per Share - - - -
      Cash Flows
      Net Cash From Operating Activities - - - -
      Net Cash From Investing Activities - - - -
      Net Cash From Financing Activities - - - -
      Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of the Period - - - -
      Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of the Period - - - -
      All Figures in
      All Currency In
      Last Update Date

      The Capital Market Authority and Saudi Exchange take no responsibility for the contents of this disclosure, make no representations as to its accuracy or completeness, and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss arising from, or incurred in reliance upon, any part of this disclosure, and the issuer accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in it and confirms, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief, there are no other facts or information the omission of which would make the disclosure misleading, incomplete or inaccurate. The above information does not replace detailed financial statements, as detailed financial statements are the reliable source that must be consulted to obtain accurate financial information.

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      Saudi Top for Trading Co.
      Price 6.93
      Market Cap (SAR MN) 277
      P/E Ratio 64.77
      Index NameIndex Level1D Return
      Saudi Top for Trading Co. %

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      Company Profile

      Company overview

      The company operates under Commercial Registration No. (1010237601) issued in Riyadh on 16/08/1428 H (corresponding to 29/08/2007 G), and Industrial License No. (431102115491) dated 20/09/1428 H (corresponding to 10/02/2007 G) issued by The Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources for the Saudi Summit Factory for the production of plastic granules, and an operating environmental license (first class) No.)/4365/1442H(, dated 06/26/1442H (corresponding to 08/02/2021G) issued by the National Center for Environmental Compliance, and an operating license No. (5751442319013812) issued by the Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones (MODON). The objectives of the company, as company bylaw, include the following: Agriculture, forestry and fishing. Mining and quarrying. Electricity, gas, steam, air conditioning and air supply. Water supply and sanitation activities, waste management and treatment. Construction. Wholesale and retail trade, and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. Transportation and storage. Accommodation and food service activities. Information and Communication. Real estate activities. Scientific and technical activities. Administrative and support services activities. Education. Human health and social work activities. Other service activities. The activities of the company, as in its commercial register, are as follows: Wholesale of primary plastics, rubber and fiber industries. Retail sale of building materials scrap, including (scrap iron trade). Retail sale of electronic and household electrical appliances. Selling tools and plastic materials (including bags). The company''s actual activity in purchase of various plastic and rubber waste from several different sources, such as petrochemical companies and companies producing final plastic and rubber products, as well as municipal waste, and then recycled to produce plastic granules. The company also produces processed polyethylene wax using the latest technologies. The company markets and sells the company various products in several different countries in Asia, Europe and Africa. The company also purchases plastic materials and resells them in the local market. The company does not practice its activities except after obtaining the statutory licenses, if any, that are required by the prevailing and enforceable regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company has obtained all the statutory licenses and all of those licenses are still valid.

      Company History

      Saudi Top Trading Company (the Company or the Issuer or Top Saudi) was established as an individual establishment owned by Mrs. Nouf Munif Manahi Al-Qahtani under Commercial Registration No. (1010237601) issued in Riyadh on 08/16/1428 H (corresponding to 29/08/2007G). with a capital of twenty-five thousand (25,000) Saudi riyals. On 10/18/1433 H (corresponding to 05/09/2012G), the individual establishment and its branch registered in the name of Saudi Top Factory to produce plastic granules were transferred with a capital of one hundred thousand (100,000) Saudi riyals, divided into one hundred (100) in-kind shares of equal value and paid in full. The value of each share is one thousand (1,000) Saudi riyals, as the net assets of the establishment and its branch were evaluated at one hundred thousand (100,000) Saudi riyals. On 03/12/1440H (corresponding to 04/08/2019 G), the company capital was increased to one million (1,000,000) Saudi riyals divided into one hundred (100) shares in kind and cash of equal value and paid in full, and the value of the share was modified from one thousand (1,000) Saudi riyals to ten thousand (10,000) Saudi riyals, and the increase of nine hundred thousand (900,000) riyals has been met by transferring the entire amount from the retained earnings account as on December 31, 2018G to the capital account. On 05/16/1443H (corresponding to 20/12/2021G) the company was converted from a limited liability company to a closed joint stock company and the company capital increased to forty million (40,000,000) Saudi riyals, divided into four million (4,000,000) shares, the value of each share is ten (10) Saudi riyals, and all of them are ordinary shares fully paid in value. The increase of thirty-nine million (39,000,000) Saudi riyals was fulfilled by providing Mr. Abdullah Muhammad Obaid Al-Ajmi a valued property at the fair market value according to the report of the licensed and approved valuer in the amount of nine million nine hundred and fifty-seven thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine (9,957,839) Saudi riyals as a share in kind, and transferring an amount of twenty-nine million and forty-two thousand one hundred and sixty-one (29,042,161) Saudi riyals from the retained earnings account as on December 31, 2020, and the company has been registered in the joint stock companies register under Ministerial Resolution No. (775) dated 16/05/ 1443 H (corresponding to December 20, 2021 G), and Ministerial Resolution No. (784) dated 19/05/1443 H (corresponding to December 23, 2021 G).

      Company Bylaws

      Click here

      Equity Profile

      • Authorized Capital (SAR) 40,000,000
      • Issued Shares 40,000,000
      • Paid Up Capital (SAR)40,000,000
      • Par Value/Share 1
      • Paid Up Value/Share 1

      Last Update :2023-10-09

      Investment limits

      There are no investment limits on the company shares as per the amended Rules for Qualified Foreign Financial Institutions Investment in Listed Securities and Instructions for the Foreign Strategic Investors Ownership in Listed Companies based on Company bylaw and the issued Instructions by related regulators and supervisory authorities.

      • Company Details
      • Date Established


      • Financial Year End


      • Listing Date


      • External Auditors


      • ISIN CODE


      • Number of Employees


      • Chairman

        Adbullah Mohammad Alajmi
        Non - Executive

        Adbullah Mohammad Alajmi

        • Bd Session Start




        • Bd Session End



          Non - Executive

        • Qualification

          Bachelor degree in Islamic StudiesMBA in Financial Management and Risk MManagement

      • Board of Directors

        Waheed Ahmed Yahya Jassas Independent

        Waheed Ahmed Yahya Jassas

        • Bd Session Start



          Board of Directors

        • Bd Session End




        • Qualification

          Bachelor degree in Business AdministrationMBA in Financial Management and Risk MManagement

        Nasser Ayed Alsubaie Executive

        Nasser Ayed Alsubaie

        • Bd Session Start



          Board of Directors

        • Bd Session End




        • Qualification

          Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering

        Omar Abdullah Alkhorashi Independent

        Omar Abdullah Alkhorashi

        • Bd Session Start



          Board of Directors

        • Bd Session End




        • Qualification

          Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering

      • Senior Executives

        Wail Maged Awadh Aljaaidi CEO

      Wail Maged Awadh Aljaaidi

      • Bd Session Start



        Senior Executives

      • Bd Session End




      • Qualification

        Bachelor degree in Chemical EngineeringMaster degree in Business Administration

      Investor Relations

      Contact Name:

      Nasser Ayed Alsubaie

      Company Address:

      3776 Eastern Ring Road-Alnoor District Zip code 14321 Riyadh, Saud Arabia

      Contact Details:

      Telephone: 0112420001
      Fax: 0112420001

      Company Website:

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      The Capital Market Authority and Saudi Exchange take no responsibility for the contents of these disclosures, make no representations as to its accuracy or completeness, and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss arising from, or incurred in reliance upon, any part of these disclosures, and the issuer accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in it and confirms, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief, there are no other facts or information the omission of which would make the disclosure misleading, incomplete or inaccurate.

      Company Profile Nomu Parallel (2024)


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      Article information

      Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

      Last Updated:

      Views: 5631

      Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

      Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

      Author information

      Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

      Birthday: 1999-05-27

      Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

      Phone: +2585395768220

      Job: Lead Liaison

      Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

      Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.