[35+] Funny Mothers Day Messages, Wishes and Greetings (2025)


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[35+] Funny Mothers Day Messages, Wishes and Greetings (1)

What’s better than bringing a smile on your mother’s face. Mother is one of the highest rated characters in all parts of the world and there is no replacement of her. So we want you to make your mummy laugh by sending her funny mothers day messages and wishes. This will not only make her happy but will also give more strength to your relationship. Kids take their mom as a great role model and want to be like her because of the caring and loving nature.

Happy Mother’s Day Funny Quotes from Daughter

Sending funny mother’s day quotes and sayings through SMS or Whatsapp will make your mom smile and her love for you will increase. You can also express your love and care for your mother by taking her out on dinner and giving a gift to her, which is a good way of paying gratitude.

[35+] Funny Mothers Day Messages, Wishes and Greetings (2)

Below you will find some hilarious messages for mother day, pick the best one and make your mom smile on day that is dedicated to mothers.

  • A worried mother does better research than the FBI.
  • I’m so lucky to have you as my mother… I’m sure no one else would have put up with me this long.
  • Mother- one person who does the work of twenty for free. Happy Mother’s Day!
  • Happy Mother’s day to a woman who deserves a medal for putting up with me all these years!
  • Dear Moms we’d be a mess without you.
  • Happy Mother’s Day from your favorite child!
  • There are over 6,000 human languages remaining in the world, and I can’t talk to my mom in any of them.
  • Behind every mum is a basket full of dirty laundry. Happy Mother’s Day!
  • My mother’s menu consisted of two choices: Take it or leave it.
  • Not all super heroes wear capes!

Whatsapp Status for Mother’s Day

  • Working mothers are guinea pigs in a scientific experiment to show that sleep is not necessary to human life.
  • Happy Mothers Day to someone who carried me for 9 months and financially carried me for 25 years!
  • Words can’t express how much I love you & What an incredible mother you are. So lucky to have you!!
  • Mum, you did a great job by giving birth to me, I am awesome! Well done!
  • I really don’t tell you often enough How much i really care but be assured I’ll love you always and when you need me I’ll be there.
  • Life does not come with a manual it comes with a Mother.
  • My mum has the best daughter in the world!
  • Only a mother as perfect as you… could have a daughter as perfect as me. Happy Mother’s Day!
  • My mum…Even when she’s wrong…She’s right.
  • It takes someone really brave to be a mother, someone strong to raise a child and someone special to love someone more than herself.
  • You are the greatest mother and I’m glad to be your daughter I love you so much mom and I wish you a Happy Mother’s Day.
  • I know I have hurt you a lot as I’ve made so many stupid mistakes but I am really sorry. I know I ain’t the best daughter in the world but your the best mum anyone could ever wish for. I love you so much.
  • To a mother, a son is never a fully grown man; and a son is never a fully grown man until he understands and accepts this about his mother.

Mother’s Day Quotes and Sayings for Stepmom

  • Throughout the years. You have always been by my side. I could not have had a better mother to look up to.
  • There is no velvet so soft as a mother’s lap, no rose as lovely as her smile,no path so flowery as that imprinted with her footsteps.
  • Happy Mothers Day To a mom who should not assume my graduation means the end of my financial dependency.
  • My Mom is my hero, my comforter, my adviser, my role model, every thing. Happy Mothers Day.
  • I love my mother as the trees love water and sunshine – she helps me grow, prosper, and reach great heights.
  • In my whole life I haven’t met a lady as elegant, beautiful and lovely as you. I love lots mommy. Wish you a very Happy Mothers Day
  • Friendship and motherhood are two of the most wonderful things that anyone can experience!
  • May your Mother’s Day be as great as you. This is a special wish from you-don’t-know-who! Happy Mother’s Day!
  • I hope that I have made you proud of me, proud of my accomplishments and proud of the person I have become. You are responsible for the best parts of me and I pray I’ve done you justice through my character and behavior.
  • Though I can never repay you for your love and care, I cant miss to express my gratitude, love and reverence on this beautiful day of the year! Special Mothers Day Greetings to my special mom!

Hope you will like this post on funny mothers day messages, wishes and quotes. Don’t forget to wish your mom on 13th May and saying thanks to her on such a special day.

[35+] Funny Mothers Day Messages, Wishes and Greetings (2025)


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